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High Performance On and Off the Court at GB Basketball

High Performance On and Off the Court at GB Basketball

The highest levels of sport can be as much about business as they are about the game itself, with the last reported figures stating that the Premier League contributed over £ 7.6 billion to the UK...

Ellie Maybury writes for Sportsmith on Enhancing Performance with BFR Wearables

Ellie Maybury writes for Sportsmith on Enhancing Performance with BFR Wearables

Opening with recognition of the commitment performance practitioners make to researching, educating, and promoting recovery among athletes sets the scene for why this article is of great importanc...

Amplifying Warm-Ups with Preparation BFR at Martin Nugent Elite Performance

Amplifying Warm-Ups with Preparation BFR at Martin Nugent Elite Performance

Preparation BFR is the arm of Performance BFR that focuses on utilising the benefits of Blood Flow Restriction to enhance an athlete’s warm-up pre-exercise. Its popularity is increasing as the und...

Episode 5: Raising Elite Athletes with Data-Led Training and Innovation with MN Elite Performance

Episode 5: Raising Elite Athletes with Data-Led Training and Innovation with MN Elite Performance

A core aspect of the offering at MN Elite Performance centres around individualised training programmes as a key to success. “We get a few pro players in from professional football, rugby, and othe...

Using BFR to Chase Peak Power with GB Cyclist Joe Truman

Using BFR to Chase Peak Power with GB Cyclist Joe Truman

A ‘product of British Cycling’ is how Joe introduces himself, but cycling wasn’t his first passion, that was football. "My entry into cycling was quite serendipitous," Joe goes on to explain, "I pl...

What is BFR Training?

What is BFR Training?

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) has been a popular tool used by pro sport athletes and coaches to support rehabilitation for many years. More recently, the emergence of Performance BFR has enabled wid...