What is BFR?
Blood Flow Restriction, or BFR, works by tightening a strap around the top of your arms or legs to lock blood in the muscles while you perform light exercise or recovery routines. This helps your muscles get stronger and recover faster than they would without it.
Recovery x Hytro BFR
Hytro Recovery BFR increases the amount of recovery hormones produced, creates a flushing effect that forces waste products such as lactic acid away from the muscles, and drives fresh blood and nutrients into the tissues, leading to reduced muscle soreness by 47%, joint pain by 38%, and fatigue by 39%
Game Day Readiness - Men's Football
Key Findings: Reduced fatigue (20%), Soreness (20%) and joint pain (17%) when using ice bath and BFR
View Research, here
Game Day Readiness - Women's Football
Key Findings: Reduced fatigue (16%), Soreness (18%) and joint pain (8%) on GD+2
View Research Paper, here
Game Day Readiness - Men's Rugby
Key Findings: Reduced fatigue (39%), Soreness (32%) and joint pain (38%) on GD+2
View Research, here
Preparation x Hytro BFR
Hytro Preparation BFR drives fresh blood into the tissues, helping joints move better and warming muscles more effectively than stretching alone. It lowers the risk of injury and eases pain such as tendon problems or muscle soreness, reducing joint pain by up to 38%.
Improvement in Exercise Performance - Repeated Power
Key Information:
10 repetitions of a weighted (60kg) sled push over 22m.
*Repeated Power (~14% faster over 10 rep prowler push)
*vs Control
Improvement in Exercise Performance - Velocity / Power
Key Information:
*Improved the bar speed (velocity) of a 60kg squat jump in rugby backs.
*vs Control
Improvement in Exercise Performance - Perception of Effort
Key Information:
*Lower perception of effort (RPE) for the same weight lifted in 1rep max Deadlift in rugby forwards.
*vs Control
Hytro Product Research
Hytro is the simplest, safest, and most versatile BFR product available, designed to help Athletes, Teams & Practitioners make BFR a daily habit.
Hytro ensures a consistent occlusion pressure, adjustable to your individual fit, without the need for wires or batteries.
How safe is Hytro?
Hytro has been proven safe and effective by acedemic research (Dhokia et al., 2022; Neal et al., 2023).
The highest setting on the Hytro shorts exerts a maximum pressure of 190mmHg, which creates a partial occlusion of between 60-78% LOP (well below full occlusion; 100%). This makes the Hytro shorts safe to use without supervision, meaning that they can be used with large groups of players, and by individuals away from club facilities.
If you don't measure %LOP, how do I know how much occlusion I'm getting?
The Hytro shorts exert average pressures of 40, 80, 120 and 180mmHg across its settings, which create an average %LOP of 69% (min of 60% and a max of 78%) at the final setting. There is no universally agreed optimal %LOP, and it will change from user to user, but aiming for 60-80% (our setting 4) will put you in the optimal operating zone as identified by multiple studies.
Why don't you measure %LOP like other BFR products in the market?
No BFR cuff providers actually measure limb occlusion pressures directly; they also estimate it, but using acoustic devices to estimate full occlusion and work back from there. This means that users have to allow the cuff to inflate to full occlusion before the pressure is then released by the device to reset to the estimated %LOP.