Hytro Labs - The Research

Improve Exercise and Recovery with wearable Blood Flow Restriction

What is BFR?

Blood Flow Restriction, or BFR, works by tightening a strap around the top of your arms or legs to lock blood in the muscles while you perform light exercise or recovery routines. This helps your muscles get stronger and recover faster than they would without it.

Recovery x Hytro BFR

Hytro Recovery BFR increases the amount of recovery hormones produced, creates a flushing effect that forces waste products such as lactic acid away from the muscles, and drives fresh blood and nutrients into the tissues, leading to reduced muscle soreness by 47%, joint pain by 38%, and fatigue by 39%

Preparation x Hytro BFR

Hytro Preparation BFR drives fresh blood into the tissues, helping joints move better and warming muscles more effectively than stretching alone. It lowers the risk of injury and eases pain such as tendon problems or muscle soreness, reducing joint pain by up to 38%.

Hytro Product Research

Hytro is the simplest, safest, and most versatile BFR product available, designed to help Athletes, Teams & Practitioners make BFR a daily habit.

Hytro ensures a consistent occlusion pressure, adjustable to your individual fit, without the need for wires or batteries.