Getting started with Hytro BFR

Improve Performance and Recovery with wearable Blood Flow Restriction

What can you do with Hytro?

Improve Exercise and Recovery with wearable Blood Flow Restriction.

Better Prepare for peak performance, dramatically increase the effect of your Training, and start your Recovery anywhere, anytime.


Adding BFR to your warm-up assists in your muscles warming up faster and improves the flexibility of your tendons, helping and giving you confidence to perform better whilst lowering your chances of injury.


If you lift light weights or do gentle cardio while using BFR your muscles work harder. Restricting blood flow instantly makes workouts harder, so you get stronger and fitter as if you were doing heavy exercise.


Using BFR after exercise causes your body to produce increased amounts of recovery hormones and flushes used blood from the muscles, driving fresh nutrients into the muscles to speed up your recovery time.

Strapping In

Hytro BFR Performance Shorts

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Strapping In

Hytro BFR Training Tee

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Preparation BFR

Warming up with BFR helps your muscles prepare faster and improves your tendons' flexibility. Helping you perform better and lowering your chances of injury.


Training with BFR

BFR Training lets you lift light weights or do gentle cardio whilst restricting blood flow to make your muscles work harder; getting you stronger and fitter as if you were doing heavy exercise.


Recovery BFR

Recovery BFR, causes your muscles to swell and produce recovery hormones. Releasing the BFR flushes the muscles while driving fresh nutrients like proteins and carbs into the fibres to speed up recovery.


Preparation BFR

Warming up with BFR helps your muscles prepare faster and improves your tendons' flexibility. Helping you perform better and lowering your chances of injury.


Training with BFR

BFR Training lets you lift light weights or do gentle cardio whilst restricting blood flow to make your muscles work harder; getting you stronger and fitter as if you were doing heavy exercise.


Recovery BFR

Recovery BFR, causes your muscles to swell and produce recovery hormones. Releasing the BFR flushes the muscles while driving fresh nutrients like proteins and carbs into the fibres to speed up recovery.

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