Recovery BFR

Explore the #1 innovation in performance Recovery

Recovery BFR increases the amount of recovery hormones produced, creates a flushing effect that forces waste products such as lactic acid away from the muscles, and drives fresh blood and nutrients into the tissues, leading to:


Reduced joint pain


Less muscle soreness


Buffered fatigue

Recover. Anytime, Anywhere.

Coaches and Athletes are constantly on the lookout for new ways to refresh tired bodies, remove lactic acid and waste materials, to accelerate how quickly they can get back to game readiness.

The industry is full of percussive massage devices, ice baths, rollers and bulky compression boot fads. Add in saunas, contrast bathing, massage and acupuncture; it can be hard to find the most effective Recovery tool.

Thanks to Hytro’s innovative design, athletes can strap in with ease and perform passive or active exercises to dramatically improve recovery reduce soreness. You can even stack BFR with other practices, such as ice baths and saunas, to feel fresher faster.

Introducing Hytro’s wearable BFR solutions

Proven by research to be safe and potent, our BFR wearables let athletes and teams start recovery straight after exercise, even when travelling or on the move – our simple but effective solutions mean you can add BFR into your existing Recovery routine with ease.

Shop Hytro BFR

BFR Recovery Protocol

Lock in safely, any where, to rapidly flush waste from the limbs and drive recovery  hormones around the entire body.
Download your BFR Recovery Protocol, here
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